We appreciate our involved parents and community members. We also enjoy broadcasting our latest news and information here on our News page, where we will chronicle school activities and student achievements and publish announcements. We’ll also offer helpful resources and information, so check back often; we’ll update it regularly.
Monthly Newsletter
Please check out this month’s parent newsletter. There are many interesting and exciting things going on at Santa Maria every month.
AZELLA Testing
Our English Language Learners will be taking the Arizona English Language Learner Assessment starting on Monday February 10.
Nuestros estudiantes del idioma inglés tomarán la Evaluación de estudiantes del idioma inglés de Arizona a partir del lunes 10 de febrero.
Broken Hearts Formal Dance
SMMS will host it’s annual Broken Hearts Formal Dance on Friday, February 21 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
SMMS organizará su baile formal anual Broken Hearts el viernes 21 de febrero de 5:00 a 7:00 p.m.
Eighth-Grade Promotion Day and Group Pictures
On Monday, February 24, our eighth-grade students will be taking their class photo, and individual promotion day photos.
El lunes 24 de febrero, nuestros estudiantes de octavo grado se tomarán fotografías de su clase y fotografías individuales del día de promoción.
SMMS Parent/Guardian Education Events
Santa Maria Middle School is proud to present three parent/guardian education events.
How to Help Your Child Succeed
Please see this presentation from Curriculum Night for important information on our school's AASA test scores and ways you can help your child improve their reading skills and do well this year.